The tutorial and examples below are actually the second chapter of the book: Simple SysML for Beginners: Using Sparx Enterprise Architect. Beginners who are new to SysML and new to the tool should be able to walk through the examples shown and create a simple model of a doorbell system in an hour or two.
Ordering and Installationappendix from the book as a downloadable PDF file
Quick Startchapter from the book as a downloadable PDF file
As Is,without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Consultants and instructors at private and public educational institutions are welcome to use this tutorial and the example files for the tutorial in classes, including instruction delivered for a fee, provided the conditions of use above are respected. In other words, if you are a consultant, you are welcome to use the tutorial and examples as part of your paid service as long as you make it clear to your clients where the material is coming from and ask your clients to actively download the material themselves.
Questions about the tutorial, examples, and potential special uses of the material not covered in the conditions of use above, please send inquiries to:
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Updated 5 February 2023